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The Alpha Stabilized Remote Head is a 3-Axis powerhouse capable of housing and stabilizing a large variety of cameras and setups from small compact HD video cameras, like the Reds, Alexa Minis and Canon C-300s, to 35mm film cameras with 1000ft mags and 11 to 1 zooms, to 3D rigs! It can be mounted
underslung, overslung, or straight out (matrix mount), and is perfect choice for Cranes, Jibs, motorcycles, trykes, e-cars, Dolly’s, or any moving platform that keeps the operator remote. Wireless also available.
It’s unique dovetail system allows for the adjustment of the Head in seconds, therefore making lens changes and other camera add ons that lengthen the camera package to have the ability to tilt straight down extremely quick, without the addition of extra weights or additional brackets.The Alpha Head is also capable of recording positions and camera moves and storing them for playback at a later time. Download our spec sheet or contact us for more information!
Check out our SPEC SHEET or contact us for more information.
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